Banana and Peanut Butter Smoothie
Although there are a lot of credible and professional smoothies, which are capable of burning fat, we’ve arranged an exclusive list of top fat burning smoothies, which are rather popular among people and earn the best compliments consistently.
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It’s a million-dollar smoothie which helps in burning fat. In fact, it’s good enough to replace a meal. It’s like a blend of peanut butter and banana sandwich. You probably won’t believe that peanut butter smoothie can be a great source for losing weight, but you must perceive that it’s the protein that counts in smoothies, not the other things, and peanut butter has a lot of protein to offer… In order to make this special blessing, all you need is:
- a half banana
- ½ cup smooth or crunchy low-fat peanut butter
- ½ cup of non-fat good quality milk
- some ice cubes
Just place all these ingredients into the blender and blend it until it gets smooth and radiate a new, fresh life.
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